Really. This is allowed.

Soul Friends,

We're already several days into the season of Epiphany — a liturgical season which celebrates the manifestation, and our seeing, of the Christ — which began on January 6, but I'm still trying to find my bearings. I'm wondering if some of you are, too.

I'm still trying to settle into and sustain the focus and inner quiet that allows me to discern both the distant star of my own 2020 destiny — which is, ultimately, the Christ — and the right-before-my-eyes presence of this same One. The Beloved, is, after all, everywhere!

Perhaps I've been blinded this year by all the bright lights of Christmas, or deafened by all the celebratory shouts. Whatever it is, I'm not quite yet ready to plan the next journey, much less embark on it. First, I will allow myself, like plants and animals in our northern hemisphere, to go inward and drop my energies downward — out of the mind and into the body. I will do this before I turn my energies outward and my eyes upward. For, the Christ is found everywhere, both within and without. And if I cannot intimate the Christ within, how will I awaken to the Christ without?

Maybe you are ready to go, and if so, I wish you a blessed journey. But if, like me, this year you need just a little more time, take it.  Just slow right down. Give your soul the gift of some silence, and solitude and stillness.  Just let all that holiday confetti settle.

The Beloved's luring star for 2020 will yet rise to draw you. You will know it when you see it. There is no need to push something into view before it is ready. This is not a race.

When you are ready, you might try out a favorite of my New Year's threshold traditions, the Year Compass.  This free downloadable booklet invites your reflection on the year past and provides a space for your vision of the year to come. It's never too late for you to offer your self this gift of time and resource to reflect. Some years, I'm stepping into February before I've completed this.

Soul Friend, you soul has its own pace. And it's perfect. May you honor it and stay with it,


Lorilyn Wiering